Striper and trout pics, Happy Father's day...
Posted by Dan | Posted in chagrin river outfitters , flyfishing ohio , pa trout , stripers | Posted on Thursday, June 17, 2010

It seems as though everyone has been out fishing lately which is a good thing. Numerous guys in the shop have been or will be on fishing forays that include trout, bass, tarpon, and bonefish to name a few. The old adage is true i guess about to many fish and not enough time to chase them all, oh well just enjoy the ones you do get to chase. Pa trout reports are still good and all the rain will mean very good late June and early July fly fishing in PA.
On the home front i must say i am not up to speed as lately much of my fishing has been in the salt or chasing PA trout. I will however be on our rivers and in the shop the next few weeks before its off to Montana so look for a local update with the next blog.
Hey Brant, whats up with the Wyoming trout update?????
Tight lines Dan and Pete.