Sandusky Bay fly fishing, shop day with Jerry Darkes Saturday May 29th. Shop day sale.
Posted by Dan | Posted in carp , white bass | Posted on Saturday, May 22, 2010

Nice Sandusky Bay white bass....
Spent some time yesterday fishing spots on Sandusky Bay that i haven't fished in about 5 years. The plan was to try for some smallies but to no avail, the water was a little off color from northeast winds the past week and made fly rodding for smallmouth challenging to say the least. We ended up saving the day with a couple of giant carp, white bass, and largemouth. It was nice to be out on some old familiar water.
On the home front lake run smallies on the eastern tribs have been keeping fly rods bent pretty consistently, with some anglers reporting 25 big smallies a day. Hot patterns have been Tod's wiggle minnow, crawfish, and Clousers crippled minnow.
Warmwater Shop Day with Jerry Darkes Saturday May 29th, 10-3.
Jerry Darkes will be holding a warmwater seminar @ Chagrin River Outfitters covering fly fishing opportunities here in Northeastern Ohio during the summer months. Species covered will be smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, Pike, white bass, and carp. Jerry will go over rod and reel setups, flylines, fly patterns and times to fish. There will also be fly tyers spinning up some of there favorite patterns for Ohio's lake run smallies, largemouth and carp. Also for those of you looking to gear up for your summer fishing there will be some great deals (up to 50% off) on clothing, fly lines, fly reels, and more so stop and down for a great seminar and great deals.
Dan and Pete