Elk Creek 2/21

Posted by M. Hynes | Posted in , | Posted on Monday, February 23, 2009


Oh wait, wrong pic. This is where I WANTED to be.

But this is where I was. Took Bruce, Bob, and Lars to Elk Creek, on a private section the shop has access to (if you are interested, call the shop for available slots. There are still a few open). When we arrived around 11, the water temps were hovering just above freezing. The fishing was slow, and there were few fish in the faster water. As the morning waxed into the afternoon, the wind died and the temps rose to a balmy 35 degrees. And then we started to see the mid-winter stoneflies. Up until this point, we had hooked 2 fish in 2 1/2 hours.

So we changed flies. That stone is about a size 18. I don't carry steelhead flies that small, so I plucked the smallest dark nymph i had ( a 12). And then...

Although this is not the ideal way to hold a fish, Bruce did his best with freezing hands and a slippery steelhead.

Bob battling a large buck that smashed a pastel egg pattern. Good angler, that Bob.

Notice the way he is applying side pressure. Where did he learn that?

Not chrome, but still very pretty.

For whatever reason, when it's cold fish love the pink hot-butted hex.

Lars with his first of a 5-for-8 afternoon.

The net is happy.