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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Jim's first steelhead caught on the Chagrin last Thursday.

Wild PA brown that whacked a baby brown trout imitation.

This is for everyone that comes in the shop asking for flies for big browns that think i'm crazy when i hand them a 5 inch streamer pattern. This giant brown had just eaten two 6 inch salamanders, 2 large crawfish, and was still hungry. Big trout eat meat.

Conditions were perfect for targeting browns, rising water means stream bred brown trout are on the feed.

Another one that smacked an olive sculpin.

A few for the frying pan.

Yikes, another impressive brown that was looking for a big meal.

High spring flows means getting down deep with sinking lines and big flies.

Pennsylvania elk are getting more and more numerous.
Rivers are up again and more rain tonight is what the man is saying. Lets hope it is not to much as the fishing was really starting to heat up. Check back later in the week for updates but right now if the rains don't come Elk will fish, the Grand tribs, and maybe the upper Chagrin by tomorrow afternoon. If the rain does come we should be OK by Friday and for the weekend. Good Luck Dan and Pete.