Something for everyone at Shop day this Sat. Sept. 25th 9am-4pm
Posted by Dan | Posted in | Posted on Monday, September 20, 2010

There will also be fly tyers on hand all day tying up the latest in steelhead patterns and the seminars are all new and packed with great info to help you become a better steelhead angler. Day starts at 9am and goes until 4pm. Seminars are listed below.
See you Sat. Dan and Pete
9:00 AM: Dan Pribanic will explore the history of the Lake Erie steelhead fishery from it's beginnings up to the present day. Dan will discuss proper gear, equipment, time of year, and locations to target these wonderful gamefish in Lake Erie's tributaries from Ohio to New York.
10:30AM: Brett McCrae will present Steelhead 101; this presentation will include guide secrets for fishing for Erie steelhead. Topics covered include:
- strategies for different seasons - locating fish in fall, winter, and spring
- feeding fish - what they're eating, and why
- local watersheds - understanding flows and conditions
- rigging for success
- hooking, playing, and releasing steelhead
12:00 PM: Matt Hynes will walk anglers through the basics of switch rods and explain why these specialty rods are gaining popularity in the Great Lakes region. Matt will also clarify rod, reel, and line options, as well as casting techniques, sink tip choices, fly selection, and much more.
1:30 PM: John Rochus will present "Matching the Hatch for Erie Steelhead". John will explain the variety of food choices steelhead have available to them while in our streams, and how to effectively match them to catch more fish.
9:00 AM and 11:00 AM - Single hand fly casting demonstrations
10:00 AM and 12:00 PM: Spey and switch casting demonstrations
1:00 PM: Distance and accuracy casting competitions. Casting will be done with a 7 wt. fly rod and a WF floating line.
The staff at the shop is looking forward to seeing all of you there!