Just in time for steelhead/salmon and fall saltwater blitzes the simms wader rebate program is back. If you have been wanting to get into the most comfortable, best performing wader on the water now is your chance. Bring in any old pair of breathable waders you no longer use to the shop and walk out with a new pair of GoreTex simms waders for $50.00 off. You'll be glad you did.

Since it's late August in Ohio and not much is happening i figured i would share some family pics from the last couple of weeks that i received. Here Justin is about to release one of my favorite catching and eating fish, the Atlantic bonito. These guys are speedsters and challenging quarry on the fly pole.

We tried for some Pike again yesterday on a new stretch of river to no avail.

But we had a nice boat ride.

Here my niece Abby kicks back on the Madison after some great early morning fishing.

Another of Abby with a Beauty from the Yellowstone river.

She even let her dad and uncle catch a few as well. Even though it looks like one of them may still be under the influence from the evening prior. Can you guess who it is.
Hopefully in the near future we will have some surf steelhead pics which should be just around the corner and the recent reports of fresh Salmon in the lower Pere Marquette seem to be legit for those chasing Kings. New gear and old standbys have been coming into the shop everyday and the fly selection is better than ever with more on the way so stop in, check out some new stuff and say hello.
Dan and Pete