Fish Porn, New Ohio State Record Steelhead, Happy and safe Independence Day....
Posted by Dan | Posted in flyfishing ohio , ohio fly fishing , ohio state record steelhead , orvis | Posted on Thursday, July 01, 2010
New State Record Steelhead caught last week by angler Jason Brooks on the big lake. Measurments on this beast were 38 long 22 girth and weighing in around 21#'s 3 oz. Congratulations on a hell of a catch Jason.
Close up of a wild PA Brown just before release.
From the looks of the variety of pics we have been receiving here at the shop plenty of fly anglers are out there having a great summer, keep up the good work. Locally the bass fishing has been pretty good both in the ponds and on the rivers. Carp fishing was coming into it's own as well until the cool night arrived but is still solid mid-day once the waters warm back up.
On another note hope everyone has a great independence day, the holiday with best name i think as it implies we can do whatever we want really which is usually how i treat it, at least to a certain extent.
Until next time Dan and Pete
From the looks of the variety of pics we have been receiving here at the shop plenty of fly anglers are out there having a great summer, keep up the good work. Locally the bass fishing has been pretty good both in the ponds and on the rivers. Carp fishing was coming into it's own as well until the cool night arrived but is still solid mid-day once the waters warm back up.
On another note hope everyone has a great independence day, the holiday with best name i think as it implies we can do whatever we want really which is usually how i treat it, at least to a certain extent.
Until next time Dan and Pete